Monday, June 14, 2010

Whilst Training

So I'm training for the St. George Marathon. It's hard. Really hard. I usually run in the evenings while Terry's at work so by the time I get to my run I've already had a full day. But I've been pretty good about either going to the gym or hitting the streets, depending on the weather and the amount of light outside.

And while I've been a "runner" (meaning, I run - not fast, not consistently, and not usually in anything official) for several years, there are still things that I'm discovering about me and my body during my runs. For example:

- Being able to run 7 miles without breathing heavily does not equate to being able to cycle. At all. Terry and I tried mountain biking the other day and it turns out I'm a wimp. I seriously had to stop every 12 seconds or so because I could feel my heart beating in my neck. Not cool.

- Sunburn + sweat = tiny little blisters all over your skin which don't hurt to pop, but make it easier to peel off your already peeling skin.

- Endorphins truly do rock. I can start out feeling grumpy and gross but I always end feel like everything's right in my life. I still feel gross though. All that sweat and stuff you know.

- Hills hurt. My thighs are still burning from last week's hill workout. Hopefully this means they'll be getting smaller??? ;)

- The more I run, the more I crave healthy food. I bought a package of Oreos today - my favorite cookie - and they really didn't even taste that good. I had carrots instead.

I'm still feeling nervous for the actual marathon but I think by then I'll be well prepared. Or at least, I hope so. And while I'm talking about running, I have to give a shout out to my always-wonderful husband. He's been so supportive of me - he pushes me out the door when he knows I'm supposed to run and he even accompanied me on a 6 mile run the other day. What a catch. :)

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