That's right ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of the year again . . . finals! Two things are better about this this year than last year: 1) I'm not taking any. Hooray for graduating! Terry however, has 7 finals. Sad. 2) I'm not in the midst of planning my wedding for the day after finals. This has been a tremendous relief.
Lucky for me though, I get to help Terry study for said finals. To make this more exciting we invented a game last night. I would quiz him and for every question he got right, he got a penny. If he got 5 right in a row he could exchange a penny for a dime. When he had earned a dollar, he could eat a peanut butter cookie I had just finished making. Simple, yet extremely effective.
First, I like the artwork you found. That looks like Terry before his hair got curly. Second, your motivational techniques are outstanding. If only you had married Terry 6 years ago...when you were 16! Then he would be a straight-A student. Oh, and your life would have been ruined...oops... so I guess it worked out for the best :)