Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Fashion Files

So the other day as I was wandering around Barnes and Noble (a favorite pastime of mine) I stumbled across the book Fashion File: Advice, Tips, and Inspiration from the Costume Designer of MAD MEN. I took it with me to the back of the store so I could sit down and look through the rather large stack of books I'd collected - not really expecting to spend much time with this particular book. However, 2 hours later I had read the whole thing.

Now, I'm not really one to be super fashionable or trendy. But I do try to look nice. And I feel like that's really more what this book was about. It was about finding your own style, loving your body, and respecting yourself. It got me thinking a lot about all of that. It also got me thinking I need to update a few items in my wardrobe. Specifically dresses.

I really don't own that many dresses. Lots of skirts, but maybe only one or two dresses I actually wear. And one of them recently got a pen stain on it (oops). Lucky for me, I ran across this yesterday and discovered that Shabby Apple, most beautiful and modest of all beautiful and modest dresses, is having a trunk show! Hooray! At last I can actually try on the dresses I've been drooling over for the last year! And in a shameless attempt to win a free dress from them, I'm posting about the event on my blog. Here are the details:

What: A Shabby Apple trunk show
When: Friday, November 19th from 1 to 6 p.m. and Saturday, November 20th from 10 to 3 p.m.
Where: The old Jaylynn Studio, 3689 Highland Drive, Salt Lake City
Why: Whyever not?!

Come try on dresses with me and feel fabulous.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

So I spend all day teaching children about safety. Here are some of the highlights:

Me: Can you think of a time you've felt the uh-oh feeling?
1st Grade Girl: One time I stuck my finger in a pencil sharpener!

Me: Who's in charge of keeping your body safe? (I'm looking for the answer "me" in this question.
Anxious Kindgergarten Boy: Heavenly Father!
Me: He helps, but who else?
Another Anxious Boy: Oh I know! It's Jesus!

Me: What are some safety rules that you guys already know?
Little Boy: If there's a buffalo, run. And if he looks like he's about to charge, hide.

Me: When is a time you've felt the uh-oh feeling?
Tiny Little Kindergarten Girl: Um, well, my family is going to Hawaii next week.
Me: . . .

Me: Who is someone you could tell if you had a bad secret?
Precocious Kindergarten Girl: Well one time ... (launches into a long story and during a deep breath I interject)
Me: Yes but who is someone you could tell if you had a bad secret?
PKG: (in a sassy little voice) I'm not done talking yet!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Let's Play Catch-Up, Shall We?

Ok, ok so I've been a bad blogger. No biggie cuz hardly anyone reads this anyways. I want you to know that I thought about blogging many, many times. But the longer I waited, the bigger the task and I just had better things to do with my time. So here are the haps of the Jacobs clan since June. We'll keep it short and sweet and then move on to bigger and better blogging. (Bytheway I just accidentally deleted the lovely paragraph you just read. My friend suggested I try "Ctrl Z". Worked like a charm).

July - we went to the Jacobs Family Reunion at Pismo Beach, California. Tons of amazing food, sun and sand, novels galore, and just generally hanging with the fam. Excellent trip.

August - I GRADAUTED! Hooray for me! Check that off the list of major life accomplishments. Graduation week was filled with all sorts of family, food, and fun.

Also in August, I got a job! Can I get a boo-yah, baby?!I work for a non-profit where basically I go around to schools as a guest speaker and teach kids about safety topics like child abuse prevention, bully prevention, shaken baby syndrome, etc. I love it - the kids crack me up and they're so fun to work with. More details to follow in a later post.

September - Terry got to quit his job! No more late nights sitting at home by myself watching Gilmore Girls and waiting for him to come home! . . .Oh wait. No there are still a lot of those nights, thank you BYU baksetball. But they're fewer at least. And he started school again (which he's, shall we say, less than thrilled about but I think is just peachy).

I hurt my foot on what was supposed to be my very last long run before my marathon. The injury only lasted about a week and a half but sadly that made it so I couldn't even try to run. I limped and moped around for about a week, it was sad. I hope I have it in me to train for another marathon - now that I know how much work it really takes it'll take a lot more motivation to actually do it.

October - I won tickets to Frightmares from the radio! This was pretty much the thrill of a lifetime for me. Winning I mean, not actually going. Going to Frightmares was a blast too, it just isn't as up there as the winning part. There was a hypnotist there though. I wanted to be hypnotized so badly, but I hadn't ever seen a hypnotist so I opted for just watching the show this time around.

Still in October, Dayna came out to visit. Always fun - she came to the basketball game with me even though I was wearing a poodle skirt (for Halloween of course) and she came with me to get my books signed by SCOTT WESTERFELD!!! How on earth did the Provo Library convince him to come??? So thrilling.

And the ward choir sang their first song since I've been director - they sounded amazing, I was so proud.

November - I went on my first ever business trip. That's right folks I packed my bags and traveled to the far far away land of . . . Layton Utah. We were putting on a conference there for three days so they got me a hotel room. My favorite part was the hot tub. Perhaps I'll post more about the conference later.

Terry and I have been working hard at researching grad schools. For now it looks like he'll be getting his Masters while I work. Hopefully sometime in the future I can go back to school too - we'll see. It's fun to see all the places we could maybe end up at next year. Hopefully somewhere awesome. And warm would be nice.

Well that's all folks! Tune in next week, same time same place for another exciting episode of "Life As We Know It".